
Spark to Hack ✧

by Aurelie Moser

Hi, I'm Aurélie, a professional coach and facilitator, specialized in innovation in healthcare and sustainability. I enable team and organization leaders in healthcare to increase the speed between an ideas discovery and significant investments. I bring creativity and disciplined methods with contagious energy and a smile as well as a team and system coaching approach. I have a No BlaBla, No Bulshit, and no Blingbling values. I am a entrepreneur / working Mum aware that I only have one life, so I want to make the most of it!

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5 frequent errors corporate teams do when starting a new "innovation" project and how to avoid them StoH# 27

Hello ! I started coaching in healthcare innovation 10 years ago. When I say "innovation," I do not mean only projects led by a professional innovation team but also, most importantly, by non-professional innovators. I am talking to leaders and teams in digital health, marketing, business excellence, medical, access, pricing, and innovation. I see a pattern of frequent errors when corporate teams start a new "innovation" project. I will list the main mistakes and share my top five easy tips...

26 days ago • 5 min read

Hello ! If you feel you have not achieved what was planned 😱 at the end of the quarter or the year, here is an actionable way to improve your team's performance. Making better and faster decisions. "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." Theodore Roosevelt Get comfortable for your 5 minutes of sparks to hack. ✨ Spark ✏ Mindset reset: more risks lie in no decision "A" decision...

about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hello ! Spring is here in Basel, Switzerland. It's so lovely to see the color and the smell. Last week, I reached over 10 million public funding allocation application reviews from startups and academic projects. This is the occasion to summarize the leading mistakes teams make when developing a new solution. By solution, I mean a product (launch a complex and costly new oncology combination), a process (be ready to deal with the latest European legislation on HTA), or a service (AI-based...

2 months ago • 4 min read

Hello ! Today, we will dive into how to best articulate the value of your strategy, product, or service. I will share the most common mistakes and exercises I love to do with my teams so you can save time and make sure you develop something people will like. "Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind."" Brené Brown Get comfortable for your 5 minutes of sparks to hack. ✨ Spark ✏ Why this is critical You don't want to develop a service or product nobody uses or buys? Let's see the 3 most common mistakes...

3 months ago • 4 min read

Hello Reader ! Do you remember life before ChatGPT? Honestly, it's getting hard for me! Today it has been a year exactly I started to use it. ChatGPT has become an indispensable tool in my work and family's life. But I realized that many of my clients still don't use it at work regularly. So now it is part of my coaching (as part of our agile in health training for exemple). So here you will get my learning of 1 year practice so you can save time and energy to speed up the adoption of this...

3 months ago • 4 min read

Hello ! January is almost over (already, 😱). As the year starts, I love to take the time to reflect and improve how I manage my energy and focus. The more I progress on my entrepreneur journey + working mum, the more this work becomes critical to my happiness and success. Here, I want to share the tips I have built as habits over the years and show you how you can use them. What's new for me? : After 2 weeks off, the past weeks have been quite busy with starting a new team business coaching...

4 months ago • 4 min read

Hello ! Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy a peaceful and joyful break; I got 2 weeks off social media and emails (hence, I am soo 😱 late for this newsletter). As the year started, I realized I never discussed digital health (DH) here while spending 50% of my time helping organizations design new DH solutions. Here, you will get a simple view (my view) of the definition of Digital health, how pharma companies approach it and why chronic condition solutions will be a key trend in 2024....

4 months ago • 6 min read

Hello ! December, the last month of the year already! It's time to reflect and plan for next year. I was 3 days in a yoga retreat and could enjoy time to think and be alone. This was so lovely (don't tell my husband or my kids 🤫) and became a ritual now for 6 years. I listed what I enjoyed the most in 2023 and the projects that brought more impact to my clients. So here you will see 3 activities you could do in your organization in 2024 and why they will help you to succeed faster. Wait,...

5 months ago • 6 min read

Hello ! I hope you're enjoying the first frosty winter days as much as I am in Basel 🥶. This week, we ran workshops for 14 startups in healthcare from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. I love meeting these entrepreneurs; they have so much energy and determination. One of the highlights was coaching them on their ecosystems. Indeed, in healthcare, the person who receives the service isn't the one who decides what they get or how they pay for it. So, a unique approach to grasp this complexity is...

6 months ago • 4 min read

Hello ! I hope you are settling well into this new winter season. Last week, I led a bootcamp to wrap up a 6-month program with 20 digital health startups. It was a nationally-funded program aimed at making Switzerland a leading player in digital health. I've realized, once again, that goal setting and maintaining focus are common challenges for these entrepreneurs (and for me, to be honest 😱). So here, I'll share what has worked for me, developed over the past 5 years through trial and...

6 months ago • 4 min read
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